Luigi's Mansion 2 HD




The Good Stuff

  • Enhanced graphics
  • Flexible control system
  • Many fun puzzles to solve
  • Fun ghost hunting for all ages

The Bad Stuff

  • Lacks new innovation

Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD Review

Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD

“Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD is undoubtedly the best way to experience this spooky adventure”


Remember the joy of blasting away spectral shenanigans with Luigi in 2013’s Luigi’s Mansion 2 (or Dark Moon, for our American friends)? Well, grab your Poltergust 5000 again, because the spooky sequel has returned for a hauntingly delightful remaster on the Nintendo Switch! Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD is the definitive way to revisit this ghost-hunting adventure, but is it a must-have for seasoned Luigi fans, or just a friendly apparition of a game? Let’s bust some ghosts and find out from the Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD Review.



A Visual Glow-Up for Luigi’s Mansion

Forget the blurry edges and jagged textures of the original 3DS release. Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD boasts a graphical overhaul that makes everything look spick and span.

From the reflective sheen on suits of armour to the detailed threads on Luigi’s iconic overalls, the developers haven’t just bumped up the resolution – they’ve breathed new life into the game’s spooky environments. While it won’t win any awards for best visuals in 2024, compared to the 2013 version, it’s a night-and-day difference.


The Gameplay: Same Scares, Same Thrills

Now, let’s talk about the good stuff – sucking up ghosts! The core gameplay remains delightfully unchanged. You’ll explore haunted mansions, solve clever puzzles, and use your trusty Poltergust to capture mischievous ghouls.

There are no fancy new ghosts, levels, or bosses to battle, and Luigi doesn’t get any of the cool moves from Luigi’s Mansion 3 (like the plunger shot or Gooigi). This means the experience is very similar to the 3DS original, lacking some of the variety found in its later sibling.


Twin-Stick Controls: A Long Overdue Improvement

One welcome change is the addition of twin-stick controls, similar to Luigi’s Mansion 3. Remember the frustration of the 3DS version, where Luigi stubbornly faced one direction while aiming the flashlight?

Thankfully, that’s gone! Now you can swivel Luigi’s aim freely with the right stick, making ghost-busting feel much more intuitive and fluid.


Multiplayer: A Missed Opportunity for Spooky Fun

Sadly, the multiplayer mode takes a hit. Unlike Luigi’s Mansion 3, which allows two players on one system, Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD is strictly single-player, both online and locally.

The frantic ghost-wrangling fun of Scarescraper (aka Thrill Tower) is still there, but it’s a shame you can’t share the scares with friends or family without buying extra Switches and copies of the game. No split-screen support here, boo!


A Fun, Familiar Haunt

Despite its limitations, I had a blast revisiting Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD for a dozen spooky hours. While I prefer the single, sprawling mansion of Luigi’s Mansion 3, the compartmentalized levels here make it easier to revisit areas and find missed collectables after the story.

Plus, some fantastically phantasmagoric moments still hold up, like the giant spider boss fight and the tumbling-down haunted staircase sequence (think a G-rated John Wick experience!).


The Verdict

Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD is undoubtedly the best way to experience this spooky adventure. Its gorgeous visuals and improved controls make it a great addition to the Switch library.

If you’re new to the series or haven’t played this one yet, you’re in for a treat. However, if you’re a seasoned Luigi’s Mansion 2 veteran hoping for dramatic gameplay changes, you might be a tad disappointed.

So, should you add Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD to your Switch collection? If you’re craving a charming ghost-busting adventure and haven’t played it before, then absolutely!

But if you already own the 3DS version and aren’t itching for a graphical upgrade, you might be content to revisit the original. Whatever you choose, just remember to pack your proton pack… er, Poltergust 5000! There are some spooky spectres waiting to be captured!

Be sure to click on the button above or HERE to find out more about the game or to purchase the game. But before you do that, why not leave a few comments below? Stay safe until next time 😀



Working in construction projects full time, and promoting mobile computing devices part-time, I'm an ICT and project management graduate using this platform to help fellow web surfers find tech solutions to solve daily problems.

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